the faithful ramblings a late bloomer. . .

the faithful musings of a four letter word user on a quest for authenticity.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pizza Night

This is from Carl Cartee’s ( blog a few months ago. It’s not up anymore or I’d link to it, but here’s what he wrote. Spot. . .On.

Tuesday night is homemade pizza night at the Cartee house. Heather has a weekly Tuesday night meeting so we have boy’s night and I make pizza. Oak, my 4 year old, always wants to help. “Daddy, when can I help you?” x 1000. He badgers me relentlessly until I slide a chair over to the counter and let him stand up beside me to make the pizza. If there is a time and place in my day where I don’t need help, it’s in the kitchen with Oak. He is known for his proclivity at both time wasting and mess making. However, I love that boy and because I want to be with him, I invite him into the pizza. He is not qualified to do even the most basic parts of the work, but I dignify him with my invitation to join me and create value in him by giving him the chance. He knows, that I know he’ll mess it up, but he’s learning that I am not using him because I need him, it’s because I love him.

We are all invited into the work that God lets us do. Our weakness is obvious but his loving kindness dignifies us and reminds us of his care. Understanding this idea helps move your ministry from pressure packed performance to liberated joy. You’ll never fully measure up, but you are and have always been fully loved.

Lead with that perspective. Worship with this in mind. Understand that your opportunities to write or preach or serve or lead are not acknowledgments of your ability, but an expression of love to you from a God who knows your frame and your limitations and your penchant for mess making, still he invites you in…the process is so much more important to him than the product. You have a calling and ministry because you have a Father who loves you and wants to use you. Not because you’re good, but because He is good.

This is PRECISELY where I am as I begin to write this blog. I am not a writer. I know nothing about creating an interesting story much less a compelling blog. All I have done is acknowledge the call that God has placed on me to write, and made time for Jesus to show me how to do it. Back to that whole the will of God will never take you where the grace of God won’t protect you. If he wants me to write this thing, I guess I just have to let him to do it. I'm going to have a beer with my pizza though.

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